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2nd Quarter 2007
Jared in church clothes
Trent plays kickball2
Twins play soccer
Washing the car
Matt shoots on Jacobs head
David in dune buggy with Dixon
Twins on top of a cliff
Twins fish at Lake Powell3
Phillip kissing fish
Matts Fish at Lake Powell
Davids first fish2
Davids infection
Davids infection2
Dean holding Jared
Dean holding Jared2
Dean in pantry
Twins at Easter pageant
Trent blows out candles
Jacob blows out candles
Trent and Jacobs birthday party
Jared's helmet
Jared sits2
Jared sleeping
Jared smiling at Matt
Jared smiling at Matt2
Jared smiling
Matt with wizard
playing in the sandbox
Nest of eggs in our tree4
Matt feeding animals
Trent and Tamo at the zoo
Jacob and a turtle
Trent and Jacob at zoo

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